We learned from them that.
1. They worked in teamwork to help this people and they seem to be very united.
2. The people seem to be happy and they helped in the construction.
3. They were really kind and offer them food.
4. They show lots of gratitude.
I think that this project is a really good idea since these people who did not have a house before now have one and their life condition will dramatically increase. As for my peers, they were trying to give their best to build these houses and I think that they learned a lot from this experience.
The other activity that we did was the construction of the tallest tower
The class was divided into 3 teams who had the following instructions in a card
*Build the biggest tower with plastic cups and u cannot share this card
And the specific instructions were
1. Do not use violence
2. Nothing
3. You can steal and destroy

I was in the second team and at the beginning of the game we notice that the third team was unfair. When I saw this behavior I immediately started to help the first team out and told my teammates to do the same. They didn’t do the same for quite some time until they finally understood that we had the same porpoise and that we must share resources.
Good things that I noted
1. The violence that was presented was not too severe
2. At the end we had a union with the first team
Bad things
1. Violence was presented
2. There was not a global good negotiation
3. The union of our team with the other team did not happen until almost the very end
Some interesting stuff
1. As some countries do, we started to build human and object barriers so our “enemies” had a hard time going through.
If the union would have been faster, perhaps I could of have a chance to look at the whole picture and then make a smarter move. The things that block me from doing so is that I thought of the third team as my “enemy” and the union of both teams did not happen fast enough. Therefore I never had a chance to look at the “whole” picture.
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